HVAC Tips & Tricks
Maintain Your Heating and Cooling System Like a Pro.
Heating and cooling systems are expensive, complex, and integral to your home’s comfort. They’re also designed to last. With proper care and maintenance, you can ensure that your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system stays in good working order for a long time to come.
On this page, our friendly and knowledgeable licensed AC and heater repair technicians from Aire Serv offer top tips for the maintenance of your home’s heating and cooling system. Knowing how to properly care for your system, reduce energy costs, and stay safe while using your heating and cooling equipment, is all important and empowering as a homeowner!
For additional information about how to manage your heating and cooling system, please consult these pages from our heater / AC repair experts at Aire Serv:
We’re Like EMTs for Your HVAC.
Small steps can pack a big punch when it comes to your heating and cooling system’s performance. For example, routinely changing your system’s air filters allows for better, more breathable air; lower energy bills; and increased smoothness and efficiency in the operation of your heating and cooling equipment! Knowing how to conduct regular, routine maintenance is important and can help you cut costs.
Additionally, these tips can help you save money and encourage system efficiency:
Change your fan direction every season – Did you know that your fans should rotate counter-clockwise during the summer and clockwise during the winter? Simply use the switch located at the base of each fan to flip the direction of the blades. It’s easy!
Cleaning makes a difference – That’s right: Regular dusting and vacuuming indoors can actually drastically improve the efficiency of your HVAC system! This is because cleaning reduces the amount of dust, pet dander, pollen, and other pollutants clogging your system’s air filter. If you have pets, speak with your AC and heater provider about installing a denser filter.
Get ready for the next season – Before the winter months arrive, schedule a furnace evaluation so as to ensure that your heating system is safe and prepared to function properly throughout the season. As summer approaches, contact an AC repair specialist to check your coolant levels and to strip down the system’s condenser.
Check your thermostat – Adjusting the reading on your thermostat by as little as five degrees can add up to significant savings over time.
Breathe Easy. Arrange Your Next Service with Aire Serv!
For more information, or to schedule your next maintenance or repair visit, contact the pros at Aire Serv. We’ll put you in touch with your closest heating and cooling service provider. It’s time to feel comfortable in your own space!